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Creating multi-page PDF documents from scanned images in Linux

Raw grayscale scanned image (skewed, with border) B/W image produced after deskewing and debordering


This document describes a simple procedure for producing multi-page PDF documents from scanned pages with Linux. Everything started with a simple use case: I had a bunch of old issues of the long-defunct Commodore Computer Club italian computer magazine which I wanted to preserve. That magazine is quite challenging to scan: each issue has about 100 pages, some full color, some grayscale, and others black and white. Since I don't have a scanner with automatic sheet feeder, I needed a simple interface to quickly control the scanner using the PC keyboard only. All pages had to be post-processed before being assembled into the final PDF. Post-processing includes color reduction/calibration, deskewing (rotating misaligned pages), clearing noisy regions so on. There are few open source applications which deal with this kind of workflow (some of them are listed in the Resources section), so I began assembling my own set of tools based on ImageMagick, libTIFF and shell scripts. Apart from the scan interface, everything else is accomplished through the command line.

The procedure I describe here is far from perfect; some manual work may still be required to fix some pages; furthermore, some scripts have hard-coded values that only work for my specific setup. Despite these limitations, I was able to acquire and process a single issue of the magazine in about one hour; most of the time is spent scanning the pages, while post-processing takes significantly less time and can be almost automated. You can see the final result for CCC issue 78 which is hosted at the Ready64 CCC site.

I have tested this procedure both with Debian GNU/Linux 4.0/i686 and with Ubuntu 6.06/AMD64 using either an Epson GT7000 SCSI scanner and an HP DeskJet C3180 all-in-one printer/scanner. Again, remember that the scripts below are tied to my particular use-case. You will find a lot of hardcoded constants which are related to the particular size and type of my scanned material.

Update (2012-09-06). Before you start to fiddle with the scripts below, I suggest you to give Scan Tailor a try. Scan Tailor provides a graphical interface for enhancing scans (deskew, B/W conversion, text segmentation, border removal), and is more intuitive and general-purpose than my scripts. The interface of Scan Tailor is a bit rough, but the program works almost flawlessly. I used it recently to process the scans of two 200+ pages books quickly and effectively, and I strongly recommend it.

Required software

This is the list of the required software:

Step 1: Setting up tkScan.tcl

First of all, we need to acquire the raw material using a scanner. We need a scanner which is supported by SANE. Check out the list of SANE supported devices to see if your scanner works with Linux.

In order to speed up the scanning process, I wrote tkScan.tcl, a very simple Tcl/Tk GUI for scanning multi-page journals, magazines or books without the need of an automatic sheet feeder. tkScan.tcl allows the user to quickly control various aspects of the scan using the keyboard only.

tkScan.tcl uses the scanimage command to control the scanner. To be more precise, the actual scan command issued is:

scanimage --format tiff --resolution res --mode mode > cur_page

It is a good idea to try this command by hand, just to be sure that everything is setup correctly. Enter this:

scanimage --format tiff --resolution 300 --mode Gray > test.tif

If everything goes well, you should have a (big) file named test.tif which contains a grayscale version of the scanned page.

Should tkScan.tcl fail on your particular setup, it might be for one of the following two reasons:

  1. Wrong scan mode. It appears that the scan mode strings are not the same for all devices. At least it is so for me, where the Epson GT7000 uses "Grayscale" as the scan mode for grayscale images, while the HP C3180 uses "Gray" for the same mode. So, your scanner might not understand the --mode Gray option. tkScan.tcl uses the string "Gray" for scanning grayscale and B/W images, and "Color" for color pages (note: B/W TIFFs are derived from grayscale images using ImageMagick's convert utility, as it does a better job than most native scanner "Lineart" or "B/W" scanning modes). To see which modes are supported, use scanimage -h. For my HP C3180, this command gives, among other things:
    Scan mode:
      --mode Lineart|Gray|Color [Color]
          Selects the scan mode (e.g., lineart, monochrome, or color).
    You then need to change the function scanPage_BW, scanPage_Gray and scanPage_Color in tkScan.tcl to reflect the actual supported scan modes.
  2. Wrong default scanner: If you have more than one SANE-supported device (e.g., scanner, webcam, video card...), you can select the default one by setting the environment variable SANE_DEFAULT_DEVICE. For example, to have tkScan.tcl use my Epson GT7000 SCSI scanner I set (with bash):
    export SANE_DEFAULT_DEVICE="epson:/dev/scanner"
    While for my HP DeskJet C3180 all-in-one printer/scanner, I set:
    export SANE_DEFAULT_DEVICE="hpaio:/usb/Photosmart_C3100_series?serial=MY694C40Y704P9"

Please refer to SANE documentation on how to setup your scanner.

Step 2: Scanning the Raw Material

Simply invoke the tkScan.tcl script. Here is a screenshot of this script in action:

Screenshot of the tkScan.tcl window

For each scanned page, tkScan.tcl produces two files: scanNNN.image and scanNNN.preview. scanNNN.image is the actual scanned page in uncompressed TIFF format, while scanNNN.preview is a small GIF version of the page used in the preview window. NNN is the current page number, as can be seen in the "Current page" counter. Press the + or - keys to increase/decrease the page number. Note that the page number is not automatically increased after a scan. If you do not manually advance it, you will overwrite the current page.

When using tkScan.tcl, make sure to have enough disk space, as all pages are acquired as uncompressed TIFF images. This ensures that the raw scans are of highest possible quality, so that later processing produces still good images.

The following table summarizes the key binding for the tkScan.tcl application.

Key bindings used by tkScan.tcl
Key Binding
+ Increment the page number
- Decrement the page number
Alt+G Select Grayscale mode
Alt+C Select Color mode
Alt+B Select Black/White mode
Alt+S Scan
Alt+D Delete the current page
Alt+Q Quit the program

Step 3: Cleaning Up the Images

After the previous step is completed, you end up with a bunch of raw scanned pages, which need further processing: you will invariably get some misaligned (rotated) pages; furthermore, there might be dark borders around the pages, due to paper bending.

Tweaking each page manually is very time consuming. In order to automate the post-processing, I prepared a script named which tries to improve the quality of the raw scans. The script deskews (rotates) the pages and removes the dark border. Moreover, it crops each page to remove unused borders (but please note that the crop dimension is hard-coded to fit the pages I used to scan). uses ImageMagick and netpbm to do its job.

The general syntax of is the following: [--nodeskew] [--nodeborder] [--forcecolor] inputfile [inputfile ...]

It is possible to process multiple pages with a single invocation. For each inputfile, which must be a TIFF image, the script writes a processed TIFF image named inputfile.tiff. understands the following command-line flags:

Turns off automatic deskewing of the input image. When deskewing is on, the script tries to figure out (using the pamtilt command from netpbm) the rotation angle to apply to the image in order to align the text with the borders. After that, it rotates the image by the identified angle (default: deskew is on)
Do not remove the dark border of the scanned page (default: remove border)
Do not convert grayscale images to black and white. By default, grayscale pages are converted to B/W images.

Now, there is a bad news and a good news. The good news is that works most of the times. The bad news is that it is far from perfect, so expect that some pages will still require manual adjustments. Furthermore, the script contains some hardcoded parameters which I used for my own scans. You will need to tweak these parameters to suit your needs.

Let us consider a practical example. We start with the following grayscale page which has been acquired at 300dpi:

Raw grayscale page acquired at 300dpi

As can be seen, this page has a number of problems:

To fix this scan with the script, we execute the following command: raw_page.tiff

This produces another image named raw_page.tiff.tiff (the name is ugly, I know...) which has all the aforementioned defects removed. The output image is a B/W TIFF; if you want a grayscale one, you must give the additional --forcecolor flag: --forcecolor raw_page.tiff

On the left, you see the result without the --forcecolor flag; on the right, you see the grayscale result with the --forcecolor flag.

B/W page produced by Grayscale page

In order to understand the logic behind this script, here are the main operations it performs.

B/W Conversion

If required, we first convert the image to B/W. There are many ways to do so with ImageMagick. The one I used is the following:

convert raw_page.tiff -colorspace gray -level 10%,90%,1 -blur 2 +dither -monochrome raw_page_bw.tiff

The -blur 2 flag is used to "smear out" the gray-ish areas, so that they become white in the converted image. The -level 10%,90%,1 flag is used to balance the gray level, so that the page background becomes white. This is the result:

Raw page converted to B/W; it stil has the black border, and is slightly rotated

Black Border Removal

Now, we remove the black border using the following trick. We draw a black border all around the page, and use the floodfill ImageMagick operator to fill this black border with a white color. So, every black artifact which intersects our border will become white.

To add the border, we do the following:

convert raw_page_bw.tiff -stroke black -fill black -draw "rectangle 0,0 50,3505" -draw "rectangle 0,0 2548,50" -draw "rectangle 0,3405 2548,3505" -draw "rectangle 2448,0 2548,3505" +matte raw_page_bw_border.tiff

We obtain this image:

Raw page, black and white, with an additional black border

Now we use the floodfill operator to fill the border:

convert raw_page_bw_border.tiff -fill white -draw "color 0,0 floodfill" +matte raw_page_bw_noborder.tiff

At this point, we have a B/W page with the border removed:

Raw page, black and white, with black border removed

This approach is not perfect. There may be black artifacts which do not intersect our border, so these will remain after the floodfill operation. In these cases, either increase the size of the additional black border (ensure it does not intersect the content of the page), or remove all remaining artifacts by hand at the end.

Deskewing and final compression

Update (2012-09-06). Recent versions of ImageMagick provide an automatic deskewing functionality built-in. The command convert raw_page_bw_noborder.tiff -deskew raw_page_bw_deskewed.tiff does the trick. The text below was written when such feature was not available.

Now we determine the page tilt with the help of the pamtilt utility (which is part of the netpbm package):

tifftopnm --quiet raw_page_bw_noborder.tiff | pamtilt -

We discover that the page tilt is 0.57 degrees; so we need to rotate the page 0.57 degrees counterclockwise as follows:

convert raw_page_bw_noborder.tiff +dither -rotate -0.57 -monochrome +matte -format tiff -compress Group4 raw_page_bw_deskewed.tiff

The result is a B/W page with border removed, and which has been deskewed:

Final image: deskewed, with bordeers removed

Note the use of -compress Group4 flag, to compress the B/W image. Using Group4 compression, we get a B/W image with size 99KB, starting from an original (grayscale) image of 8924KB!

In general, image deskewing is a hard task, and there are different tools which can do that. Apart from netpbm, you might want to consider the Leptonica library, which contains an extensive set of image processing tools. Among other things, Leptonica can automatically deskew images.

Step 4: Producing the PDF

Suppose we have a bunch of processed images named scan001.tiff, scan002.tiff and so on; all B/W images are already compressed with the Group4 algorithm (see above). We can generate a PDF document from all these pages in two easy steps. First, copy all TIFFs into a single (multi-page) TIFF magazine.tiff using tiffcp:

tiffcp scan???.tiff magazine.tiff

Then, convert the multi-page TIFF magazine.tiff into a single PDF using tiff2pdf:

tiff2pdf -j -o magazine.pdf magazine.tiff

Note the use of the -j flag of tiff2pdf, in order to enable jpeg compression of the color pages. tiff2pdf supports additional command line switches to include additional metadata (document title, author, and so on). See the man page for details

For reference, a 90 pages issue of one of my magazines acquired at 300DPI, with mixed color and grayscale pages produced a 20-30MB PDF. It might seem a lot of space (it is, indeed), but you should consider that the raw TIFFs take much (and I mean MUCH) more space. Group4 compression is particularly effective on B/W pages; a monochrome document can be compressed into a reasonably small PDF.

You may optionally "optimize" the PDF file using the command:

pdfopt magazine.pdf magazine_opt.pdf

According to pdfopt man page, optimized PDFs can be displayed more quickly when accessed through a network.


  • Scan Tailor is an interactive post-processing tool for scanned pages. It performs operations such as page splitting, deskewing, adding/removing borders, and others. I tried this program and works very well: highly recommended.
  • Unpaper. This is a great tool for processing scanned data, with a particular emphasis on scanned books. unpaper does everything my simple script does, and much more.
  • SANE-PyGTK is a simple SANE frontend written in Python.
  • OpenDIAS. The openDias project brings a professional document scanning and storage utility to the home user. OpenDias (Document Imaging Archive System) provides document storage and a document work-flow application to the home or small business use.
  • gscan2pdf is a GUI for producing PDFs from scanned images.
  • The Leptonica library includes many advanced algorith,s for image processing, and is therefore definitely worth having a look at.
This page was last updated on February 07 2015 informativa sulla privacy